Emergency 01522 262582
Out of hours 01522 262582
Friars Lane Surgery 01522 534841
Birchwood Surgery 01522 694275
Wragby Road 01522 535942


Permanent identification of your pet

The permanent identification of a pet may prove vital if it becomes lost or is stolen. The best method of permanent identification available at the moment is in the form of a small microchip implant, it is injected under the skin on the back of a pet's neck and can be read with a scanning device.

The implant has a unique number which can be used to retrieve the pet's owner's name and address, which are held on a national database, accessible 24 hours a day. We can implant your pet whilst you wait, the procedure can be performed quickly and without the need for anaesthesia. The fee you pay is both for the implant itself and for lifetime registration of the pet on the national database. This method of identification has been approved for use in the Pet Travel Scheme (PETS) to enable dogs and cats to travel to and from certain European countries without the need to enter quarantine on their return to the UK.

Microchipping is free for members of our Pet Health Club.