Emergency 01522 262582
Out of hours 01522 262582
Friars Lane Surgery 01522 534841
Birchwood Surgery 01522 694275
Wragby Road 01522 535942


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Saturday Opening Hours Update

Due to a shortage of vets in our area we are collaborating with Park View Veterinary Hospital to continue to provide a Saturday service between 8am-12pm. On Saturday the 25th January and Saturday 8th February, Lincvet Friars Lane will not be available for routine appointments.

Our dedicated reception team will still be on site to take phone calls and the building will be open from 8am-12pm to collect prescriptions pre ordered in the week. However, there will not be a vet onsite.

If you require an emergency appointment on the day please call our reception team as normal, where we can then book you an appointment to be seen at our neighbouring practice ‘Park View Veterinary Hospital’ in North Hykeham. These appointments will be charged as standard between 8am-12pm. As normal, our emergency out of hour’s service, Vets Now, will take over our calls and appointments from 12pm onwards.

We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause. Please do not hesitate to call us on 01522 534841 if you have any further queries.

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